Sunday, January 18, 2015

Traveling back in time

Traveling to new places is my passion, but recently I have been visiting old places. Mentally transported back through my life.  

A week ago I made the decision to dramatically downsize my living situation. This decision was a long time coming, but I wasn't quite ready until last week.  A series of events, that I am not going to detail here because believe it or not they aren't that important, happened and that was that, the nudge I needed, the sign I was waiting for, my decision was made.  

Since, I have started sorting through all my belongings and deciding which things are most precious to me at this moment in my life. Picking and choosing what to take and what to leave behind.  I think I have it all figured out, then something else appears and I have to decide keep or not or decide later.  Decide later has become an option.  

This process is much more complicated than I ever imagined.  Remembering the past can be fun and heart wrenching in the same minute, an emotional roller-coaster.  At first I thought it would be simple, but am finding out how hard it is to part with these things that evoke memories.  Questions race through my mind...if I get rid of this material thing, will I forget about the person/event/feeling associated with it?  It may not matter now, but will it in a year?  Will I miss this thing? Will I even remember it?  

I am all about living in the moment and taking risks, and this is what is keeping me going through this process, and knowing that in the end it is what I should be doing right now.  My best friend lives out of town and called me yesterday, offering to fly in for a weekend and help me.  I think I may take her up on that and am optimistic that traveling with someone else, especially back in time, will be easier than going there alone. 

1 comment:

  1. Bravo on your decision to downsize! Your memories are the things that give meaning to the objects you've collected over the years, not the other way around. Memories fade, but there will always be room in your heart for the important ones.
